Sunday, 8 December 2019


However, you do not need to have a wide knowledge of 3D design. El optimizador de corte le permite crear un presupuesto para el cliente donde se detallan los costos de los servicios prestados: The user of the Store Version is not allowed to modify data bases or obtain cutting-ups. This is a system used for designing, pricing and manufacturing of kitchen furniture in 3D. El optimizador de corte permite trabajar en modo multiusuario. Los costos de manejo son fijos, mientras que los costos de transporte pueden variar dependiendo del peso total del paquete. lepton armarius 3d

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Lepton G-Cad y G-Plus. In case you wish to obtain store versions there should always be a factory which provides the store with information such as database, standard modulations, etc.

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The user of the Store Version is not allowed to modify data bases or obtain cutting-ups. However, you do aarmarius need to have a wide knowledge of 3D design. Permite mantener formatos de etiquetas pregrabados. This system is made specifically for the design and calculation of every kind of furniture, obtaining a quick automatic cutting-up, costs, manufacturing orders, cuttings optimization and budget for the client.


El optimizador de corte le permite crear un presupuesto para el cliente donde se detallan los costos de los servicios prestados: By selecting the piece you want to modify you will be able to change its dimensions, textures, grain direction, location, rotation, edge bandings position, etc. This way, every time you need to add, modify or delete modules, you will not need to hire personalization services.

Compartir Facebook Twitter YouTube instagram. In this way, you will instantly visualize the changes you make on your project. Galeria de Imagenes Lepton Armarius.

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Se puede configurar si desea visualizar los principales y secundarios, lo que facilita el trabajo del operador. However, you do not need t have a wide knowledge of 3D design. It is a limited version, oriented specifically to points of sale or to store clients for them to use this version as lepron tool for selling their projects.

Control de entradas y salidas del stock. It is a limited version, oriented specifically to selling points or to store clients for them to use this version as a tool for selling their projects.

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El optimizador de corte permite graficar las secuencias de corte de la placa. Navegar por Lista de Deseos.

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Not only measures and parameters are uploaded from the windows available within the system, but also you can also modify, if you wish, the design from the 3D visualization. This is a system used for armarihs, pricing and manufacturing of kitchen furniture in 3D. Compatible con cualquier tipo de formulario.

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Permite modificar manualmente los planos de corte una vez optimizado el pedido. El optimizador de corte permite definir varios tipos de recortadores, con sus espesores correspondientes, y asignarlos a las partes del pedido. The user can only budget and send the projects to the providing store so that they budget his consumptions and deliver the required raw material. In this way, you will instantly visualize the changes you make on your project.

Unlike other design systems, FOCUS 3D does not own permanent modules libraries, but such library can be completely added and configured by yourself according to the modules catalogue you offer.

High quality and totally parameterizable, it adapts to every construction system. Therefore, with just a minimum knowledge you d3 be able to perform really good presentations, with a professional level and photographic quality. Carrito de compras cerrar. Not only measures and parameters are uploaded from the windows available within the system, but also you can modify, if you wish, the design from the 3D visualization. Novedades Focus 3D up down. Asociados Si usted es fabricante de insumos relacionados con la industria d The user of the Store Version is not allowed to modify data bases or obtain cutting-ups.

Etiquetas autoadhesivas de piezas y sobras. Pedidos virtuales o de baja prioridad: Your browser does not support JavaScript!

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