Monday, 16 December 2019


The fact that it's free really surprises me. Mini games galore with quirky aesthetics, easy to get instructions, fast paced games, a super funny voice over and outside from DLCs, the game's free, and with far more content than the sum of all DLC, which is always a good plus in my book. Fun Extremely fun must-have game for Vita. Join the party and discover all that PS Vita has to offer. But, hey, it's free! It may not have the substance or longevity of Uncharted or WipEout, but manages to maintain equal, if not better, replay value, ideal for short five minute bursts or social gatherings. The rear pad minigames can be quite tricky if not annoying and I wish, as an entire game, it would offer more mini games and more variety. frobisher says ps vita

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frobisher says ps vita

Don't give yourself a headache, leave the game off your vita where it belongs. Honeyslug Ltd Genre s: As a free download, Frobisher Says may not be a waste of your money, but there are many better diversions on Vita to occupy your time. The minigames The perfect way for Sony to show sags the Vita's features in an incredibly fun way.

frobisher says ps vita

The collection of mini-games most of which are very weird and make very little sense are actually vitz Very simple but very fun. It may not have the substance or longevity of Uncharted or WipEout, but manages to maintain equal, if not better, replay value, ideal for short five minute bursts or social gatherings.

Extremely fun must-have game for Vita.

Frobisher Says!

You just feel the excitement to follow all opt-out instructions what the character Frobisher says. The minigames are quick and intuitive, have a very funny and cute art style. It has hardly any mini games which become tirsome incredibly quickly and the games in which you have to blink a lot and blow in to the microphone actually give you a headache.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 67 Ratings. The recent trophy update only makes this game much better! Frobisher Says is an essential PS Vita download that perfectly shows off the console's various functionality.

Very simple but very fun. A game worth a chance. The collection of mini-games most of which are very weird and make very little sense are actually quite entertaining, and the game is especially fun when played with a friend … Expand.

More than this it uses all the features of the PlayStation Vita and it's completely free.

Frobisher Says! for PlayStation Vita Reviews - Metacritic

Log in to finish rating Frobisher Says! The rear pad minigames can frobishet quite tricky if not annoying and I wish, as an entire game, it would offer more mini games and more variety. See all 14 Critic Reviews. Frobisher Says is also free, and for that reason alone it is a frobisheg own for any Vita owner. I can guarantee you wil download it, play it for about 20 mins and then delete it.

Even though it pissed me very much when I was playing lying in bed and it wanted me to find some specific color with the camera, 'Frobisher Even though it pissed me very much when I was playing lying in bed and it wanted frobished to find some specific color with the camera, 'Frobisher Says' is a very fun game and does a good job trying to be Sony's 'Wario Ware' although shorter and repetitious.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critics What's this?

frobisher says ps vita

It is not a perfect game and we don't think it will become a classic, but if you enjoy this sort of games, Frobisher Says! The really stupid thing? This brilliant piece of idiocy is a freebie, available as a launch title for the pre-order crowd and then to everyone for nothing come May. Miles better than the welcome park pack in, this game delivers an enjoyable experience while showing you what that vita can do.

But, hey, it's free! It has hardly any mini games which become tirsome incredibly quickly and the games in which you have frobisha says was fun for about 15 mins.

MiscellaneousGeneralGeneral Cheats: The controls are mostly touch,but there's some camera and microphone related games. The perfect way for Sony to show off the Vita's features in sayd incredibly fun way.

Don't be confused, this is a PSV tech demo, but it's a fun psv tech demo. See all 18 User Reviews.

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